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The Tulsa Beacon



Letter: God chose Trump to help America now

Tulsa Beacon

We are on the verge of losing this nation as rioting, anarchy, and lawlessness spreads across America.  And yet it would appear that many American voters are completely oblivious to what is actually going on in this nation. The global power-brokers are hard at work, investing hundreds of millions of dollars, to make sure the…

Letter: Kudos to Rudy Giuliani

Tulsa Beacon

When former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani spoke on Fox and Friends, the host asked him about President Trump’s “obsession” over mail-in ballots. His answer to the shocked look of the host was, “Whoever wins, this country is going in two dramatically different directions. We are either going to remain a free enterprise country…

Editorial: Tulsa Beacon endorsements

Tulsa Beacon

Tulsa’s election should be on November 3 instead of August 25. City officials made this schedule to ensure a low turnout – not during a presidential vote. Tulsa Beacon endorsements, recommendations Tulsa Mayor Ken Reddick, Craig Immel, G.T. Bynum, Zackri Leon Whitlow, Paul Tay, Gregory C. Robinson II, Ricco Wright, Ty Walker. No endorsement. City…

Editorial: BLM is not about civil rights

Tulsa Beacon

Black Lives Matter is not a civil rights group. It is a Marxist, communist and socialist organization posing as a force to make useful change. A major goal is to end capitalism and enact wealth redistribution. Certainly, black lives matter. All lives matter. That is one of the things that makes America unique – holding…

Editorial: Plan B for Democrat nominee?

Tulsa Beacon

Does the Democrat National Committee have a plan B for its nominee for president? Probably. If not, they should. It’s evident that presumptive Democrat nominee Joe Biden is medically unfit to perform as president of the United States. Even though he is being mostly shielded from the public as he hides in the basement of…

Letter: Could this man-made virus be used for some evil scheme?

Tulsa Beacon

The United States has tested over 61 million people for the China virus and as of (August 5), 4.85 million confirmed cases of Covid-19 have been reported.  This indicates that 92% of the people tested do not have the virus; in fact, many of those tested had no symptoms, but they requested a test anyway….

Letter: Lankford and unemployment?

Tulsa Beacon

At a time when unemployment rates are at all-time highs because of the damage done by government-required business shutdowns, Senator James Lankford has proudly co-sponsored S386 giving more H-1B visa workers a faster track to green cards. Hundreds of thousands of U.S. IT workers have been displaced over the last 20-plus  years by cheaper foreign…

Letter: Grow food locally in Oklahoma

Tulsa Beacon

One of the great benefits of living in a rural community is our ability to enjoy food grown locally. Families appreciate easy access to high quality nutrition. Many farms and ranches depend on these local sales. Like so much of our daily life, this system was disrupted by COVID-19. When work is interrupted at industrial…

Letter: Improve racial relationships

Tulsa Beacon

Police brutality affects people living below the poverty line from all different races and creeds. It was disgusting and tragic what happened to George Floyd as well as all the other people in America who have fallen victim to the militarization of local police departments. But we also must realize that the elites in power…

Editorial: Little choice in the mayoral race

Tulsa Beacon

Conservative Christians don’t seem to have a great choice on the ballot for Mayor August 25. That is not to challenge the validity of anyone’s faith but finding a conservative Christian in government is a rare treat in Tulsa these days. Party registration is not reliable. Governments is full of liberal Democrats who have reregistered…