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The Tulsa Beacon



Letter: Lives of unborn babies are precious

Tulsa Beacon

During this COVID-19 shutdown, the Left has exposed their extreme hypocrisy – they pretend that this is all done to protect human life yet they fight to keep the abortion clinics open. They empty prisons to save the lives of criminals from the virus.   It is very important to the Left to save every life…

Letter: Churches should not the take loans

Tulsa Beacon

In the April 30, 2020 Tulsa Beacon, Pat Buchanan wrote that the victor in the coronavirus will be big government.  In his oped, he discusses the federal government handouts, mentioning the recent $2.2 trillion CARES act.  Businesses, nonprofits and people who lost jobs due to this virus are being offered and accepting money from “big…

Letter: False theories from pseudo-science

Tulsa Beacon

Many atheists attack Christianity by arrogantly stating that “religion is not compatible with science.”  However, true science is simply the outside study of nature which is God’s Creation. Furthermore, throughout history, there have been many fascist dictators who have been known to manipulate the facts of science in order to suit their own agenda. When…

Editorial: America’s faces a meat shortage

Tulsa Beacon

Where’s the beef? That question could be on the lips of more and more Americans as an alarming number of meat processing plants are closing due to infections of the Chinese coronarvirus. More than 150 of the nation’s largest meat packing plants are located in hotbeds of infection. They represent about one third of the…

Editorial: Leveraging the coronavirus

Tulsa Beacon

Here is the strategy of the liberal media to defeat President Trump by using the coronavirus to their personal advantage. This includes CNN, MSNBC, CBS, NBC, ABC, the Washington Post, the New York Times and most major newspapers throughout the nation. They ignore science to promote the following myths: The coronavirus is going to kill…

Editorial: Don’t raise state property taxes

Tulsa Beacon

There are some Oklahoma lawmakers who want cities to be able to raise property taxes to pay for general fund items like police and fire salaries and other expenses. This is a bad idea. Proponents say this won’t increase taxes but it surely will. They claim that cities would have to have a vote of…

Editorial: Vote for Don Newberry June 30

Tulsa Beacon

When times are turbulent, it is important to have public officials who are trustworthy and competent. That’s what we have with Tulsa County Court Clerk Don Newberry. Since Newberry was elected in 2016, he has not only run his office in a professional manner but he has also instituted upgrades and improvements that have proved…

Editorial: Racism and the coronavirus?

Tulsa Beacon

Minority populations in America are being infected disproportionately by the Chinese coronavirus pandemic. The liberal news media is reporting this as if the government – President Trump in particular – is to blame. What? The mainstream media puts a racial spin on everything and cable pundits on CNN, MSNBC and places like the New York…

Editorial: China lied about the numbers

Tulsa Beacon

The Chinese communist government has been lying. That should be no surprise to Americans with common sense but it may be a shock to the liberal news media and would-be socialists in America. On April 17, the City of Wuhan revised their numbers on the impact of the Chinese coronavirus. The number of deaths rose…

Letter: Attacking the coronavirus

Tulsa Beacon

We been told we are at war with the infamous invisible coronavirus.  But so far, all we see, is that we are trying to save those already infected/wounded, which is of course a very important part in all wars.  But, we are not seeing a massive effort to kill the enemy before it enters the…