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The Tulsa Beacon



Letter: Demand a vote on abortion ban

Tulsa Beacon

In a recent poll reported by Family Research Prayer Team, 9 percent  of Americans who identified as pro-choice a month ago switched to pro-life after New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo led the Legislature as they passed the most liberal abortion law in America. Virginia Gov. Ralph Northam declared his support for a bill legalizing infanticide…

Letter: All nations need to have borders

Tulsa Beacon

It goes without saying that any home, business, church or airport needs clearly marked borders. For safety and a multitude of reasons, you cannot have people wandering onto your property. For my part, I have been in 11 different nations for business, the military and vacations. That includes a year and a half in the…

Editorial: Governor Stitt keeps his promise

Tulsa Beacon

It’s nice to finally have a governor who keeps his campaign promises and adheres to his party’s platform. Gov. Kevin Stitt, R-Tulsa, signed his first bill one hour after it had passed. The constitutional carry bill give open carry to law-abiding Oklahomans. It is an important step to clear up the state’s messy gun laws….

Editorial: AOC: Stop having children?

Tulsa Beacon

History does repeat itself. “And those who ignore history are destined to repeat it.” – Edmund Burke U.S. Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-New York, wants fewer babies to be born in America. A proud socialist, Ocasio-Cortez asked the question, “Is it OK still to have children?” Implicit in that statement is her view that, no, people…

Editorial: Democrats and infanticide bill

Tulsa Beacon

Democrats in the U.S. Senate call themselves “pro-choice” and not “pro-abortion” while describing others as “anti-abortion” rather than the preferred term of “pro-life.” Several actions recently prove that the “pro-abortion” tag is more realistic. U.S. Sen. Ben Sasse, R-Nebraska, recently introduced a bill that had a simple message. If an unborn baby survived an attempted…

Letter: In any case, killing a baby is murder

Tulsa Beacon

No matter how phrased, killing a child is murder. Whether you are pro-abortion or anti-abortion, to kill a newly born child is murder. Most everyone recognizes that postpartum the child is living human being and makes us wonder who has this authority and how far does it extend.  In all honesty, we know human life…

Letter: Shame on Democrat senators

Tulsa Beacon

(Recently), Senate Democrats blocked passage of a Republican bill to provide medical care to infants who survive a failed abortion. The final Senate vote was 53-44 . . . just seven votes short of the 60 needed to pass.  Three Democrats voted “YES” in favor of the bill; Joe Manchin, D-West Virginia; Doug Jones, D-Alabama;…

Letter: Reject unAmerican idealogies

Tulsa Beacon

In the 2018 midterm elections, 90 Muslims were on the ballots across the United States and nearly all were Democrats. There are now three members of Congress who are practicing Muslims. There are a host of Muslims holding office in states and communities. Two are Muslim women – Ilhan Omar of Minnesota and Rashida Tlaib…

Editorial: Obstetrics RN: logical reasons why abortion is murder

Tulsa Beacon

Here is part of an essay from Cynthia, DNP (Doctor of nursing practice), ACNS-BC, who is a registered nurse with 28 years of experience working in obstetrics and eight years with medical surgical and hospice nursing. For 17 years, she has taught nursing. The story came from In her field, she has worked decades…

Editorial: Gambling damages Oklahomans

Tulsa Beacon

The big myth about gambling in Oklahoma is that it enhances “economic development.” Any gains for local economies are heavily offset by the personal tragedies created by the Oklahoma Lottery, the states 135-plus casinos and gambling on the Internet. The proliferation of gambling wrecks marriages and destroys careers. It costs hard-working people their savings, their…