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The Tulsa Beacon



Editorial: Unvaccinated blamed for polling

Tulsa Beacon

Why are President Biden’s poll numbers so low (38%), the lowest in his entire term” Because vaccinations are not mandatory. What? That is essentially the answer that White House press secretary Jen Psaki gave on October 8 when asked about the plummeting poll numbers. Psaki said some of the blame for Biden’s unpopularity is on…

Letter: Corporate America is abandoning our basic freedoms

Tulsa Beacon

Corporate America is dying.  Business “leaders” in America’s larger companies, which have one hundred or more employees, have signed their own death warrants.  They are too stupid to even know it. Most no doubt are products of the failed public (government) schools.  They have bought the big lie of the Progressive Left, which is anything…

Editorial: Tulsa’s challenge from refugees

Tulsa Beacon

Tulsa and Oklahoma are about to get an influx of refugees from Afghanistan after President Biden withdrew from that nation. And thanks to Biden’s open border policy, the southern U.S. border is being overrun by illegal aliens from Central America, South America, Africa, the Middle East and even China. What should be the Christian response…

Editorial: VP Harris’ true view of Israel

Tulsa Beacon

Vice President Kamala Harris is no friend to Israel. In a recent speech at George Mason University, a student told Harris that Israel was committing “ethnic genocide” with the Palestinians and that Harris was promoting “democracy” but ignoring the protests against Israel for treatment of the Palestinians. “Your voice, your perspective, your experience, your truth…

Editorial: Coronavirus issues in Australia

Tulsa Beacon

Australia has gone crazy over the Chinese coronavirus pandemic. Much of that nation, Eastern Australia in particular, is locked down. In contrast, Western Australia is not locked down. That part of the country protected their borders and that plan worked as the pandemic was much less a problem in that region. Australia’s federal government is…

Editorial: Holiday help for Tulsa’s poor

Tulsa Beacon

The holidays, from Thanksgiving through New Year’s, can be depressing for people who are away from family, who are poor or who are homeless. And this year it could be worse because of the threat of the Chinese coronavirus. Help is available. Help is needed. John 3:16 Mission feeds thousands of people over a five-day…

Editorial: America’s open southern border

Tulsa Beacon

Congressional Democrats are livid over the treatment of Haitians on the southern border by the Biden Administration. In September, the liberal media showed law enforcement on horseback trying to herd illegal aliens – mostly from Haiti – back where they were being processed. The TV networks showed film and claimed that the riders were whipping…

Editorial: Biden gripes about unvaccinated

Tulsa Beacon

President Joe Biden got a booster shot of the Pfizer/BioNtech coronavirus vaccine last week right after the Food and Drug Administration approved the booster shots for those over 65 or those with underlying health problems and front-line workers. This was the third dose for Biden, who criticized President Trump during the 2020 campaign. Biden said…

Letter: End of the American Dream

Tulsa Beacon

Many have expressed similar thoughts but none with the stature of the Reverend Franklin Graham earlier this year when he was speaking at the First Baptist Church in Jacksonville, Florida, when he said, “America will not come back.” He wrote: “The American dream has ended. The first term of Joe Biden has  been the final…

Editorial: Stop forcing college vaccinations

Tulsa Beacon

College students are being forced into taking vaccinations for the Chinese coronavirus against their will. And this institutions of higher learning are becoming almost militant in demanding that everyone wear a mask, indoors and outdoors. Even Oklahoma colleges that are not mandating that students get the shot are pressuring students, staff and professors to take…