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The Tulsa Beacon



Editorial: Anti-conservative Girl Scouts

Tulsa Beacon

The Girl Scouts of America love to celebrate the success of girls and women. Except for conservative women. After Supreme Court Justice Amy Coney Barrett was confirmed by the Senate in October, the GSA posted a congratulations to Barrett on Twitter and Facebook. Barrett is the third woman to be named to the court. That…

Letter: The people have the power

Tulsa Beacon

Twitter, Facebook, and Twitter only have power because ordinary people give them power. Stop using these platforms. Use PARLER instead of Twitter. Try DUCKDUCKGO instead of Google. Look for alternatives to Facebook. No customers: no power. You are the commodity being sold by these tech giants. Take their access to you away and their customers…

Editorial: Distance learning causes problems

Tulsa Beacon

Distance learning is not as effective as instruction in the classroom, especially for elementary students. Many public schools, including Tulsa Public Schools, have instituted distance learning rather than have students show up at school buildings. This has posed many problems. Students are not as accountable when they are someplace else. Low-income students don’t get the…

Editorial: Conservatism and universities

Tulsa Beacon

What would it be like if a conservative were president of a state college or university in Oklahoma? Burns Hargis is retiring as president of Oklahoma State University at the end of the spring semester. Hargis, a Republican, had some significant accomplishments at OSU, particularly with fundraising and new buildings. Hargis is kind of conservative…

Letter: Mayor Bynum doesn’t control the hospitals

Tulsa Beacon

(To Mayor G.T. Bynum) On October 19, you voiced your concern about the possibility of Covid-19 patients overcrowding Tulsa hospitals.  You said you were giving some thought to “action that you could take” to make sure Tulsans were taken care of. Mr. Mayor, I don’t believe you have the authority to tell Tulsa hospitals who…

Letter: Communist influence

Tulsa Beacon

As an 84-year old man it is hard to comprehend how America has changed so much in a few decades.  Especially, of how they now perceive, the precious rights and liberties granted us by our founding fathers, when they drew the greatest Constitution in the World. Now in this election, we face the possibility that…

Letter: Racial conflicts

Tulsa Beacon

It’s as if “liberal progressives” are “closet separatists” who dig us and smear racial strife while hypocritically preaching against it. Rather than allowing racism to simply die out over time perhaps, they envision the world being run in the format of an “equality based theme park” where every racial ethnicity and sexual perversion is pumped…

Editorial: America needs President Trump

Tulsa Beacon

America needs to re-elect President Donald J. Trump and here’s why. First, he has done a good job of draining the “Swamp.“ Despite an attempted coup by the Democrats, he resurrected our economy, he restored respect for America abroad with trade deals and he has worked tirelessly to guide us through a deadly pandemic. On…

Editorial: Tulsa Beacon Endorsements

Tulsa Beacon

Here are the Tulsa Beacon endorsements and recommendations for the November 3 presidential election. U.S. President – Donald Trump  President Trump has done a great job. Don’t vote for the Harris-Biden ticket – it would be a disaster for America. The Tulsa Beacon endorses President Trump. Oklahoma Corporation Commission – Republican Todd Hiett U.S. Senator…

Editorial: Vote for conservative councilors

Tulsa Beacon

There is scant hope for progress in Tulsa’s city government in the next four years. On November 3, voters in Council Districts 5, 6 and 7 will decide who will represent them. There are six candidates and only two seem to be a genuine conservatives. Justin Van Kirk, a conservative Republican, is running against Councilor…