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The Tulsa Beacon



Editorial: No to statehood for Wash., D.C.

Tulsa Beacon

Democrats in the U.S. House are pushing a plan to make the District of Columbia the 51st state. The Democrat House voted 232-180 to pass a bill that got no Republican votes. Thank goodness this scheme has no chance to get past the Republican-run Senate. (By the way, Speaker Nancy Pelosi has no intention to…

Letter: PP arguments for abortion invalid

Tulsa Beacon

In the publication “DAY 41 Spring 2020” provided by the pro-life organization 40DaysForlife on pages 8 and 9, there are five arguments in favor of abortion. The first is “My Body, My Choice”, but science is clear: the fetus is a new human being with its own set of DNA from the moment of fertilization….

Letter: Why was there disrespect for the President by TV and the Mayor?

Tulsa Beacon

Recently, a momentous, once-in-a-lifetime occurrence happened in Tulsa as both the President and the Vice President were in town at the same time. Never before in the history of Tulsa did that happen. While watching Channel 2’s coverage of President Trump’s speech, Channel 2 cut away from it and viewers were told they could watch…

Editorial: Fixing the USA on July Fourth

Tulsa Beacon

America is under assault. Americans within our country actually want to erase the U.S. Constitution and change our form of government into a totalitarian system. Capitalism is called “evil” while socialism is creeping into our everyday lives. Traditional morality is laughed at. “Miracle” drugs give license to all kinds of sexuality immorality without consequence. Christianity…

Editorial: Gundy and freedom of speech

Tulsa Beacon

Oklahoma State football coach Mike Gundy is not a racist. As a college football coach for decades, it would have been impossible for Gundy to hide prejudice if he had even one ounce of it. Now, the liberal media is feeding the frenzy that Gundy is a “racist” because he wore a T-shirt with initials…

Editorial: G.T. Bynum is not a Republican

Tulsa Beacon

Why is Mayor G.T. Bynum in the Republican Party? When President Donald Trump came to Tulsa on June 20, Bynum met him at the airport and then refused to join his campaign rally Downtown. It was a great honor for Tulsa when Trump, also a Republican, chose Tulsa to restart his 2020 re-election campaign. Tulsa…

Letter: Thousands of Trump supporters were stopped at the rally gates

Tulsa Beacon

Saturday afternoon, my wife and i decided to go see how many Trump supporters who did have tickets to attend the rally  would  be outside the supporting President Trump. Because of overwhelming tight security, no supporters where allowed in the fenced area surrounding the BOK Center.  In normal times, as seen in previous rallies, thousands…

Letter: Racial discrimination

Tulsa Beacon

The Oklahoma Criminal Defense Lawyers Association (OCDLA), as the state’s premier organization defending the rights of accused persons, joins in the call to make the ideals of the “Black Lives Matter” movement a reality in our criminal justice system, from the moment of first contact with law enforcement.      Racial profiling techniques such as “driving while…

Letter: Modern day ‘post turtles’

Tulsa Beacon

I am assuming you all know about “post turtles.” They don’t know how they got on top of fence posts. They didn’t get there by themselves, and they don’t know how to get down without getting hurt. With all due respect, you are “post turtles.” Furthermore, the crazies who have commandeered six blocks of Seattle…

Letter: Shocking Supreme Court

Tulsa Beacon

Does anybody find it shocking that the American people voted for a Republican president who then placed justices on our Supreme Court and yet the “so-called conservatives” have now declared that both homosexuals and transgenders are protected under the term “sex” in LBJ’s Civil Rights Act of 1964? The notion that six people can retroactively…