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The Tulsa Beacon



Editorial: Crime on the rise in big cities

Tulsa Beacon

You are risking your life if you live in Chicago. Over the July 4th weekend, 79 people were shot in Chicago. Fifteen died. Seven-year-old Natalie Wallace was killed. It was the third straight weekend that a child has been shot and killed in Chicago. In New York City, during the first week of July, shootings…

Letter: Should we really take a coronavirus vaccine?

Tulsa Beacon

Many are thinking that things cannot go back to “normal” until there is a vaccine available and even government mandating its use is the means to prevent a health crisis. Vaccines are touted as “safe and effective” and to be given per the CDC schedule. Does rushing a hastily manufactured vaccine then mandating it for…

Editorial: The coronavirus in Oklahoma

Tulsa Beacon

Here are some realities of dealing with the coronavirus in Oklahoma: It is most dangerous to people over 50 and especially deadly to those over 75. Children seem to be the least affected. When testing goes up, confirmed cases go up but deaths and hospitalizations don’t rise proportionately. Gatherings at funerals and weddings in particular…

Editorial: Joe Biden – a terrible Democrat

Tulsa Beacon

Until 2020, Hillary Clinton was absolutely the worst presidential candidate ever nominated by the Democrat Party. Now that honor goes to Joe Biden. While griping about a “lack of leadership,” Biden’s personal response to the coronavirus is to hide in his basement. This is a parallel to former President Jimmy Carter who hid in the…

Editorial: No to statehood for Wash., D.C.

Tulsa Beacon

Democrats in the U.S. House are pushing a plan to make the District of Columbia the 51st state. The Democrat House voted 232-180 to pass a bill that got no Republican votes. Thank goodness this scheme has no chance to get past the Republican-run Senate. (By the way, Speaker Nancy Pelosi has no intention to…

Letter: PP arguments for abortion invalid

Tulsa Beacon

In the publication “DAY 41 Spring 2020” provided by the pro-life organization 40DaysForlife on pages 8 and 9, there are five arguments in favor of abortion. The first is “My Body, My Choice”, but science is clear: the fetus is a new human being with its own set of DNA from the moment of fertilization….

Letter: Why was there disrespect for the President by TV and the Mayor?

Tulsa Beacon

Recently, a momentous, once-in-a-lifetime occurrence happened in Tulsa as both the President and the Vice President were in town at the same time. Never before in the history of Tulsa did that happen. While watching Channel 2’s coverage of President Trump’s speech, Channel 2 cut away from it and viewers were told they could watch…

Editorial: Fixing the USA on July Fourth

Tulsa Beacon

America is under assault. Americans within our country actually want to erase the U.S. Constitution and change our form of government into a totalitarian system. Capitalism is called “evil” while socialism is creeping into our everyday lives. Traditional morality is laughed at. “Miracle” drugs give license to all kinds of sexuality immorality without consequence. Christianity…

Editorial: Gundy and freedom of speech

Tulsa Beacon

Oklahoma State football coach Mike Gundy is not a racist. As a college football coach for decades, it would have been impossible for Gundy to hide prejudice if he had even one ounce of it. Now, the liberal media is feeding the frenzy that Gundy is a “racist” because he wore a T-shirt with initials…

Editorial: G.T. Bynum is not a Republican

Tulsa Beacon

Why is Mayor G.T. Bynum in the Republican Party? When President Donald Trump came to Tulsa on June 20, Bynum met him at the airport and then refused to join his campaign rally Downtown. It was a great honor for Tulsa when Trump, also a Republican, chose Tulsa to restart his 2020 re-election campaign. Tulsa…